lunes, 30 de julio de 2012

Mary Angelica's Family

Hello! My name is  Mary Mosquera. I have 18 years old. I live with my mother, Arlene, my uncle, Jose Luis, and my brother, Johan. In my immediate family are three people. My mother, my Aunt of 46 and 50 years old .. My brother is 23. Arlene Rafael are my parents, and I am his daughter. My parents are not married.

Damian and Mirtha are divorced.
Rafael and Angela have died.
Arlene father is Rafael.
Arlene is the mother of Angela.
Rafael's father is Damian.
Rafael's mother is Mirtha.
Father of Mary Angelica is Rafael.
Mary Angelica's mother is Arlene.
The uncles of Mary Angelica Carlos, Antonio, Teodomiro, Jose Luis, Rafael.
Rubia Monica are aunts, Maria Claudia.
Mary Angelica's brother is Johan.
Arlene, Rubia, Jose Luis and Rafael are brothers.
Rafael Antonio, Carlos, Teodomiro, Maria Claudia are brothers.
Angelica ary grandparents are Mirtha and Damian.
Grandmothers are Mary Angelica Angela and Rafael.

I am free to be Myself!
Mary Angelica Mosquera. :3

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